i'll put something up here later

Welcome to the Radical Feminist Database!

What is the Radical Feminist Database?

The Radical Feminist Database is a collection of articles dedicated to archiving, defending, and spreading feminist ideals.

What is the Radical Feminism?

According to Wikipedia, Radical Feminism is defined as "...a perspective within feminism that calls for a radical re-ordering of society in which male supremacy is eliminated in all social and economic contexts, while recognizing that women's experiences are also affected by other social divisions such as in race, class, and sexual orientation...Radical feminists view society fundamentally as a patriarchy in which men dominate and oppress women. Radical feminists seek to abolish the patriarchy in a struggle to liberate women and girls from a perceivedly unjust society by challenging existing social norms and institutions. This struggle includes opposing the sexual objectification of women, raising public awareness about such issues as rape and other violence against women, challenging the concept of gender roles, and challenging what radical feminists see as a racialized and gendered capitalism that characterizes the United States and many other countries."

What Differentiates Radical Feminism from Liberal Feminism?

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Latest Publication- June 02 2024